Bringing the Gospel to Orleans County

Bringing the Gospel to Orleans County

It’s our mission. We’re not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom. 1:16) and it is our goal to reach Orleans County with the good news of Christ by seeing the unsaved, saved; the saved, spiritually maturing; the maturing, serving; those who are serving, reproducing – all within the context of a church family.


We use programs to reach different people in different walks of life with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Programs, built on biblical principles create opportunities to serve and meet the needs of our community.


The Christian faith has always been a faith of substance. The Word of God gives us everything we need to be know and serve God (I Tim. 3:16-17). Because of this, Bible teaching is at the center of everything we do at New Hope.


Our programs and teaching give us opportunities to reach out into our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that whoever hears the Word, and puts their faith in Jesus Christ can be saved from sin (Rom. 10:9).

What’s Going on at New Hope? Here’s an Overview of Our Ongoing Ministries

Children’s Worship, Sundays

To encourage families with young children we provide children’s worship during our services so children ages 3-10 can learn from God’s Word in a fun and engaging way.

Olympians Club, Wednesdays

For kids in 1st-6th grade the Olympian program provides a fun way to learn about God, make new friends, and experience discipleship from older Christians. Offered on Wednesdays throughout the school year.

Student Ministries, Thursdays

NHSM (New Hope Student Ministries), is designed to engage with Jr. and Sr. High students and introduce them to the God of the Bible while offering a chance to hang out with friends and receive discipleship from older Christians. Thursdays throughout the school year.

Men’s Breakfast

If you’re a man and you like to eat – then you should be coming to men’s breakfast for food, fellowship, and Bible study. 1st Saturday of each month at 7 AM.

Mom’s Group

Being a mom is one of the greatest privileges of a woman’s life. It’s also really hard. Our mom’s group offers a chance for encouragement. Join us on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 10 AM. Childcare is provided!

Ladies’ Breakfast

If you’re a lady and you’re looking for a time of encouragement and refreshment among other women, join us for our monthly Ladies’ breakfast. Last Saturday of each month at 8:30 AM. Bring a dish to share!

Bible Studies

We believe in the sufficiency of Scripture, that by it the man or woman of God can be equipped for every good work (I Tim. 3:16). To help us better understand it, we offer ongoing Bible Studies. Contact us for the latest updates.

Biblical Counseling

Life is hard. We all need help. God offers help in his Word. We offer biblical counseling to those who are struggling as well as for those considering marriage. Contact us for more information.

Our Ministries

Christian School

New Hope Christian School

Our Mission: To assist families in developing their students by encouraging spiritual growth through Bible teaching, academic excellence, and biblical community.

  • Christian alternative to public school

  • Enrolling students in K-8 grades

  • Tuition is $3,000 per year

  • Discounts available when enrolling multiple students

Summer Camp

River of Life

Our Mission: to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ alongside local churches by building relationships with youth, adults, and families through camping ministries consistent with Holy Scripture.

  • Camping opportunities for kids between ages 5 and 18

  • Volunteer opportunities for teens and adults

  • Day camp opportunities all summer long

Women’s Home

Hearts of Change

Our Mission: to help women in their efforts to change lives that have been ruled by drunkenness, self harm or eating disorders by showing the way to Christ and using His Word to bring true life change.

  • Biblical counseling for women who are struggling

  • Resident options for struggling women

  • Maintained by donations

Shepherd's Care

A helping hand in the community